Animal Roulette

Playing Ludo online typically involves using a Ludo game app or website that allows you to play with friends or other players. Here are general steps you can follow:
Animal Roulette

Animal Roulette

Animal Roulette - Creative Game

Two or more participants.
Materials Needed:

Animal Cards or Pictures:
Prepare cards or pictures featuring different animals. You can include a variety of species.
Wheel or Spinner:
Create a wheel or spinner labeled with the names of the animals.
Play Area:
Designate a space where the game will be played.

Animal Cards:
Arrange the animal cards or pictures in a circular formation, resembling the layout of a roulette wheel.
If using a spinner, make sure it has sections corresponding to each animal.

Participants can "bet" on an animal by placing a token or marker on the corresponding card or section of the wheel.
Spin the Wheel or Spinner:
Spin the wheel or spinner to randomly select an animal.
Animal Sounds or Actions:
Each animal selected comes with a specific action or sound that the participant must imitate or perform. :
For example
Roar like a lion. Hop like a rabbit. Slither like a snake.
Perform the Action:
The participant who bet on the selected animal must perform the associated action or sound.
Winning and Fun:
The game is more about enjoyment and creativity than winning or losing. Participants can take turns spinning the wheel and performing animal actions.
Optional Rules:

Adding Challenges:
Introduce additional challenges, such as incorporating a dance move or creating a short story related to the selected animal.
Team Play:
Divide participants into teams and take turns spinning the wheel. The team with the most creative or entertaining performances wins.
Points System:
If you want a competitive element, you can introduce a points system for creativity, enthusiasm, or originality in performing the animal actions.
Encourage participants to wear simple costumes or accessories related to the selected animals.