Head & Tail

Heads or tails. An expression used when tossing a coin to decide between two alternatives, as in Let's just flip a coin to decide who pays—do you want heads or tails? Each person involved chooses a different side of the coin.
Head & Tail

Head & Tail


The game can be played with any number of participants.
A coin.

Designate Roles:
Choose one person to be the "caller" or "toss initiator."
Coin Selection:
Select a coin. Common choices are a standard U.S. quarter or any coin with distinct heads and tails.
Heads or Tails Prediction:
Participants predict whether the coin will land on "heads" or "tails" after the toss.
Tossing the Coin:
The caller holds the coin, announces "Heads or Tails," and then flips the coin into the air.
Call Outcome:
After the coin lands, the side facing up (heads or tails) is the outcome.
Determining Winners:
Participants who correctly predicted the outcome are winners.
Repeat or End:
Decide whether to repeat the process for multiple rounds or conclude the game.

Use the coin toss as a decision-making tool. For example, flipping a coin to decide who goes first in a game, who chooses a restaurant, or which team kicks off in a sports match.
Participants can place bets on their predictions. If they're correct, they might win something from the other participants.
Increase the suspense by playing a "two-out-of-three" version where the best of three tosses determines the winner.

Fair Toss:
Ensure that the toss is fair and unbiased. A fair toss means that the coin has an equal chance of landing on either side.
Be mindful of where the coin is tossed to prevent accidents. It's best to keep the toss within a confined and safe area.
Use the same coin throughout the game for consistency.
Call Clarity:
The caller should clearly announce "Heads" or "Tails" before the toss.
No Cheating:
Emphasize fair play and discourage any form of cheating.